Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm feelin' good...

Hey Blog,

It's been about ten days, but a lot has happened in that time. First things first...


Yes, I am almost done. I'm sixteen weeks from total victory and jumping into the real world to fight a new battle for success and to change the world. That's right, I am on that path to change the world! I've already got a plan crafted (which is open to change should anything come up, I cover my bases), and am on the road to making it happen.

At any rate, I think that's for another time to talk about. Maybe I'll make another blog post sometime this week to explain it a little bit. Sorry blog, another time... another time.

So, the semester I'm still technically in... I managed to pull my grades up to a nice line up:

An A and straight B's! Freakin' awesome right? I know it's not straight A's... which I was going for, but some stuff came up this session and kind of held me up. I mean, that's why I kind of came back to the blog even, and you were there the whole time.

But I got awesome grades, and I'm really excited to get to my graduation ceremony in June. I'm even more excited to get this degree and get into the next step of my Ten Year plan. I'm very stoked, and lets see how we do as we go along!


On another note, I started another blog called: "Gunning for One-Sixty". I'm hoping to lose seventy-five pounds by summer time, although I know I wont actually lose seventy-five pounds, it's more a number to give me something as a reference. I imagine I'll reach about 185 and I'll start toning out. But we'll see how that goes, at any rate, you can check out that blog here:

I'm doing really well on this, and I'm going to be updating it soon after this one.


On another-other note, I took a look at my stats, and I noticed that I've got two readers from Malaysia, and one reader from Argentina. That's awesome, it really really is. I know it's not a lot in retrospect, but I think it's kind of cool that I've got some visitors from different countries. It's pretty awesome... to me at least.


So... the other day I got a chance to see my Beautiful Person for the first time in about a month and a half. It was really relieving to see that she is doing really good after her surgery...

Erm, I suppose I should explain a bit.

So, last Friday, I woke up from a nap and looked on Facebook to see people posting "Good Luck with surgery!". Well, to be honest, I think I had a small heart attack. I called my good friend and she kind of put my mind at ease a bit. But that doesn't change the fact that I freaked out a little bit. I prayed, pretty hard and it was on my mind for the rest of the night. That night, I received a call from my Beautiful Person's mother, and it caught me pretty off guard. But it turned out to be a very sudden thing, something that just kind of happened and she was rushed into the O.R. that very visit to the doctor.

I got a chance to talk to my Beautiful Person after several weeks of kind of avoiding talking to her (I need a little time). She was a little loopy, but it was great to hear she was doing all right. I also have a funny video of her playing E.T. which... I found pretty hilarious. But the relief was definitely there, despite how somewhat confused I was at the time.

So, the following week, I got to see my Beautiful Person again. I was glad to see she was doing good, and was thankful to get the chance to chat with her after quite some time. It was a little strange at first, but it didn't feel awkward or anything it was just... a lot of relief.


These past ten days have been interesting, to say the least. But I'm definitely climbing upwards, and not falling downwards anymore. I've got a lot ahead of me, and I'm ready to get up there. Sorry again I haven't been posting as often, I got a little caught up with all what was going on in the past few weeks. But there's plenty more to come!

I'm feelin' good Blog, catch you soon!

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