Monday, January 17, 2011

Angels, fences, and puppies.

Hey Blog,

This weekend has been a mixture of things and has been pretty crazy. I mean, it had to have, since I'm posting twice within a day of the last post. Well, I guess my last post didn't really constitute as a blog about it, but more of how I was feeling. I suppose that'll happen quite a bit as this goes along... so bear with me Blog.

So, yesterday I went to a Gun show with my dad at the Cow Palace in Daly City/San Francisco. It was great, there were a ton of people there, and awesome stuff to see. A lot of the people there were from the last one, and it was great to see some of the same things there again, and disappointing to see some things not there (HELMET GUY!!?? NOO!!!!). But, overall, it was a cool Gun Show.

Although... what happened to me all day was not all that spectacular. The reason I say that is because, well... throughout the entire day I saw my beautiful person from upon waking up, to the end of the day. When I woke up, I saw her there beside me... smiling. When I blinked, she was gone... and it made my heart sink. I tried to let it go, and go throughout the day but I continued to see her in the crowd smiling back at me, going around the corner, and even driving in vehicles around me. When I closed my eyes, she was there. Later on in the day, my great friend from high school called me. At first, I thought I heard her saying, "Hey you" like my beautiful person did before. It scared me, but I was excited... thinking I was hearing from her again finally. I was so scared I didn't even realize it was my great friend.

My friend calling was helpful... but I felt myself slipping as the day was coming to an end. I was driven into some sort of confusion, and found myself thinking I had "Given everything, and yet I LOST." I was so down at that point... I had lost my cool. My friend tried to bring me to my sense, and I did somewhat, in a sense he helped me get to sleep that night... having played a game with me for a little while.

Sunday, I went with my father to build a fence. We went out to buy the materials, and at some point we were really ready to get the puppy already. We didn't though, because the woman who is giving the puppy to us was getting them their shots. So, we took it upon ourselves to build the fence now, even though the puppy wont need it for a few months. Go figure, ha.

So, we built it, which was a little frustrating but we managed to get it done in a few hours. The long part is done, but we've got another, smaller (thankfully) fence to make on the side of our house. We've pretty much going for a dog run for the puppy to grow into. So, next weekend we'll be getting a puppy on my younger sister's birthday.

On Sunday nights, I volunteer at my church as a Youth Leader for high school students. We played board games tonight, and it was really fun playing Clue and The Game Of Life. But when the meeting was over, I had a long discussion with my fellow leaders, both are older than me and I look up to them a lot. We talked about our thoughts on things, and how we felt about stuff. It was a great conversation where I told them about how I coined the phrase, "If Angels can cry, why can't we?". In that time, my other Youth Leader asked me, "Why do you think Angel's cry?" and I talked a bit about the movie Legion... which I thought was only a good movie based on the dialogue alone. I told him, "I believe Angels cry when they see people do great things for others from the heart."

I made a lot of realizations from that conversation, more particularly on how disgusted I feel with myself for thinking I had given it all only to lost with my beautiful person. It was in the conversation that I realized that I had given it all and gained everything. I have grown a lot from the last few weeks... A LOT. I've learned a lot about myself, and about how I should live. I still know what I want... and I still want this beautiful person by my side forever... but I know I have to be patient.

I told this beautiful person that I would wait for her as long as it takes. I promised... and I stand by my promises.

At any rate, I'm stoked about the puppy, and I look forward to the next week to come. Wish me luck, and take care Blog!

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